Facebook Picks Sides in Alabama Senate Race=> Shuts Down Gateway Pundit and Breitbart Reports on Discredited Allred Accuser

by Jim Hoft 90 Comments

Earlier today Josh Caplan at The Gateway Pundit posted on Gloria Allred’s last ditch effort to swing the Alabama senate race to Democrat Doug Moore.

WE CALLED IT! Gloria Allred Accuser **ADMITS** She Tampered With Roy Moore’s Yearbook ‘Signature’ (VIDEO)
Allred dragged out discredited Moore accuser Beverly Nelson to Good Morning America to hit Judge Roy Moore one last time before Tuesday’s vote.

Nelson admitted on ABC’s “Good Morning America” on Friday that she tampered with and added “notes” to what she claims is Moore’s signature inside her yearbook.

The story is solid. The statements were made by Beverly Nelson this morning. The yearbook signature has been discredited as reported by ABC’s GMA this morning.

But after we posted the story this morning Facebook shut down our story.

The far left website Politifact said our story was not accurate and Facebook the shut it down. No one will be able to see our story on Facebook.

Breitbart wrote a similar post and it was also blocked by Facebook.

Facebook is TRASH. pic.twitter.com/KHy5Qfykg6

— Gab: Free Speech Social Network (@getongab) December 8, 2017

So Facebook shut down the story on Judge Roy Moore’s accuser.

Facebook is picking sides.